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Webmoney- wmtransfer.com

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Well, I have not experienced that before and do not wish to but the most important thing is that the money arrived after all. The issue of not crediting your account entirely after a confirmed sending transaction from Mayzus is what you would have solved by opening a support ticket with the details of the transaction. What I am always afraid of about WMZ though is the effectiveness of their customer support.
Well, I have not experienced that before and do not wish to but the most important thing is that the money arrived after all. The issue of not crediting your account entirely after a confirmed sending transaction from Mayzus is what you would have solved by opening a support ticket with the details of the transaction. What I am always afraid of about WMZ though is the effectiveness of their customer support.

Well, I did that I even opened a ticket first to webmoney explaining to them and they sent to ,e a link which I can use in seeing all the transaction that was succesful, and then I sent an mail to Mayzus of which the asked of my webmone statemnet screenshot and I did but no response, I just needed to forget the issue.
Most of the users who are trying to use webmoney should make sure that they are not wasting the time if they don't have the local exchangers because if you can't get the money via the exchners then earning via webmoney is not useful at all.
Well, I did that I even opened a ticket first to webmoney explaining to them and they sent to ,e a link which I can use in seeing all the transaction that was succesful, and then I sent an mail to Mayzus of which the asked of my webmone statemnet screenshot and I did but no response, I just needed to forget the issue.
I can't believe that this happened. How can Mayzus sent you a payment and you never received it. Are you sure you checked the view operations in your account. Well,there is a way Webmoney works,there are times that you need to accept the incoming payments before it entered into the account. I got to know about this when I invested in a HYIP program called AMM-GROUP,that was how the admin paid me.
I can't believe that this happened. How can Mayzus sent you a payment and you never received it. Are you sure you checked the view operations in your account. Well,there is a way Webmoney works,there are times that you need to accept the incoming payments before it entered into the account. I got to know about this when I invested in a HYIP program called AMM-GROUP,that was how the admin paid me.

Lol, bro it happened and there is a kind of person I am since the money involved is a smaller amount I decided keeping my cool because if it was about 20 dollars I would have taken it more serious. If you still don't believe and doubt it I can provide to you a screenshot of my discussion with mayzus.
Well I used to have issues with webmoney and now that mayzus is accepting the paypal for the withdrawal. I don't see much of the use for the webomoney. in fact many people will now use the paypal for the withdrawal which is good thing and worth checking out as well.
Lol, bro it happened and there is a kind of person I am since the money involved is a smaller amount I decided keeping my cool because if it was about 20 dollars I would have taken it more serious. If you still don't believe and doubt it I can provide to you a screenshot of my discussion with mayzus.
There is no need to provide a screenshot of your discussions,I only thought that it is not a good thing that Mayzus has done for not paying you. I think the issue is not with webmoney but from mayzus. I still have not had any issues with webmoney,I am just cool with it.
I think that problem should be somewhere from the part of Webmoney because I have once heard a user complain of similar thing as well but not from Mayzus. If payments were really sent and the money didn't get to the user's account, Webmoney is under obligation to provide the details of the transaction since they are the only one that can ascertain the reason behind it.
I doubt if such thing will be able to happen due to I myself I have been recieving my payments without any delay and no problem I think that cutiekc should not have let the issue die of that easy cus If I am the one no matter the amount even if it is one cent I must get to the bottom of it.
I want to ask question. Is there phishing pages to wmz? Is there a tool that got your security question in wmz? And if so then how to retreive it? And can the hacker got your whole wmz account by just knowing your security question? I want to know that cause this happened to me that someone got my security question but he was honest and give it back to me. I dont know how he did that so.
I am not sure how the people these days are going to be doing with the webmoney unless they have the exchanger. because some of the time you have to cosnider that there is going to be odd thing that can happen there with the webmoney which is odd too.
There is no need to provide a screenshot of your discussions,I only thought that it is not a good thing that Mayzus has done for not paying you. I think the issue is not with webmoney but from mayzus. I still have not had any issues with webmoney,I am just cool with it.

Well, I really dont know which party I am to blame because I don't know if mayzus financial sector really made my payment or if they made it and then it hanged as caused by webmoney glitches. [MENTION=53902]Angelic[/MENTION] I know why I let is die that way and since then I have been able to recieve some couple of payments from them and It hasn't been delayed.
I want to ask question. Is there phishing pages to wmz? Is there a tool that got your security question in wmz? And if so then how to retreive it? And can the hacker got your whole wmz account by just knowing your security question? I want to know that cause this happened to me that someone got my security question but he was honest and give it back to me. I dont know how he did that so.
I have never seen a phishing mail of Webmoney but there can still be since it is a payment processor just like LR,PM,Payza and the rest. The hackers can create it. That person that got your security question is a friend of yours and he might have seen where you saved or store your Webmoney details.
I have just logged in my purse and received this notification up in a green color and dont know what it means cause it s in russian language
Тип аттестата WMID 157636837192 был изменён с "Alias Passport" на "Formal Passport "!
The bad thing at wmz is sometimes you got russian messages without english alternative.
I have just logged in my purse and received this notification up in a green color and dont know what it means cause it s in russian language
The bad thing at wmz is sometimes you got russian messages without english alternative.
That's not true,there is always an alternative of English only that you did not take your time to check the site,if you look at your top right,you will see where you can change it to English. You are getting a Russian language simply because the payment processor is originated in Russia.
[MENTION=475]hadg33[/MENTION], sometimes it s up there but sometimes i cant find the en icon. Maybe cos of using mobile but that just the truth. Anyway i got the translation from a friend it means your account changed from alias to formal.
I doubt if such thing will be able to happen due to I myself I have been recieving my payments without any delay and no problem I think that cutiekc should not have let the issue die of that easy cus If I am the one no matter the amount even if it is one cent I must get to the bottom of it.
Well there could be, after all it is a payment processor that has the qualities of all other payment processors. Something even happened recently about their Android App that, I received an alert which has never come since I started using it and since then, others have refused to come.
[MENTION=475]hadg33[/MENTION], sometimes it s up there but sometimes i cant find the en icon. Maybe cos of using mobile but that just the truth. Anyway i got the translation from a friend it means your account changed from alias to formal.
A question that I will like to ask you is,are you saying your account changed from alias passport to formal passport without you doing anything or you submitted some sort of documents to them. Mine turned formal passport when I submitted my international passport.
A question that I will like to ask you is,are you saying your account changed from alias passport to formal passport without you doing anything or you submitted some sort of documents to them. Mine turned formal passport when I submitted my international passport.

Your account will change from Alias to formal if you click on the passport tab and fill all required information. They automatically change it to a formal passport and gives you another ID but it doesn't mean that the first ID will be useless.
A question that I will like to ask you is,are you saying your account changed from alias passport to formal passport without you doing anything or you submitted some sort of documents to them. Mine turned formal passport when I submitted my international passport.

No i didnt send them any documents i didnt even assign a mobile number to my accoun all that i did is like what Decub said fill the information about the national id and that s all. After 5 days or so i received this notification.
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