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liberty reserve - www.libertyreserve.com

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I'm surprise to receive three emails that has title of liberty reserve payments receive. I automatically put it in my spam folder. Why? Because that email account those not have LR attached to it in the first place. lols. Its another phishing email lols. And the funny thing is that I receive three of those mails in the same day!
Yes there are many things happening with Lr now . many hackers are just trying to steel our money . recently i google Liberty reserve and went into first result and that was a phishing page and that hacker has made it as a google ads . I entered my detail and see an error showing so then i understood that it is a phishing page . then i changed my password .
Its good that you changed your LR password immediately you noticed that you were in a Phising LR Page because if you didn't do so, your account would have been hacked. Another lesson for LR account holders is that they shouldn't google LR then enter their details in the LR site displayed because hackers have found a way to manipulate LR sites in such a way that they can steal passwords of LR users.
Better to open a new LR than just chance password as you really don't know the extent of the damage that can be done in your account. I'm sure they already know your ISP address and LR number so why not just open new account in this way you can start all over again.
What damage you are pertaining? But the responsibility of the account security is in the LR users not in LR because, they have given already the security features and many are still fooled by those phishing attempts and it's important to change password immediately if ever you did give them your login details. They can't easily generate here passwords as well as the IP verification of LR.
IP verification is a good thing here, even that will consume your time to open your email again, but it will give you extra security and will make your account secure to 99%, if you deactivate it, then i can say your account security only 95%.
Again, you have the options here to either enable or disable at the same allow your computer to pass or skip the IP verification. So far, that's really something and one of their great security feature despite that it's indeed annoying when always have change of IP address.
So far i prefer to disable it, since everyday when i want to visit this site and login there will be something like this which so annoying for me, i know it is useful but for me i think that is fine for me since i always cleaned my DNS cache so my previous bad thing doesn't happen again.
IP verification is a good thing here, even that will consume your time to open your email again, but it will give you extra security and will make your account secure to 99%, if you deactivate it, then i can say your account security only 95%.
I don't know how you do the computation of percentage but if a hacker know your LR password and LR account number chance are he also know your email address and your email password. But still its good to have your ISP activated than having none. But my advice is that if you are really a security conscious for me its better to open new LR account every six months.
But it still useless if you have good password with your email and your IP verification activated, that hacker will find long time to reach, imagine you have alphanumeric password for 15 character or even more, even hacker use brute force it will take many years to know your password and your LR account will be safe from someone who want to access your site, the only thing you do is,to change your LR account later if you want.
I don't know how you do the computation of percentage but if a hacker know your LR password and LR account number chance are he also know your email address and your email password. But still its good to have your ISP activated than having none. But my advice is that if you are really a security conscious for me its better to open new LR account every six months.
Unless, you will give it to them your Email address password or you have used the same password in your LR to your email which isn't right. After all, we have here IP verification. So, they can't access our account when this activated until, they know our email login.
Yeah, that is totally right about that, if we can keep our account safe here then i think there will be a lot of problem with our account, only someone with high hacking skills that can hack LR even our account is secure here, but that kind of hacker is so rare.
Unless, you will give it to them your Email address password or you have used the same password in your LR to your email which isn't right. After all, we have here IP verification. So, they can't access our account when this activated until, they know our email login.
I'm no hacker. But if I'm a hacker. the first thing that I will do is to know your email address and passwords. This is why we receive phishing emails in the first place as its the first step in getting our LR accounts. As the weak point in here is our email account. Once our email account get hacked its easy for hackers to hack our LR accounts as well as any mode of verification can simply be done using your email also.
If you don't share your email account then i think the event like that will never happen to you, but if you share yours or use it in other hyip site to register, there are higher possibility that hacker will try to know the password of yours,and that is right once our email account got hacked everything is over.
That's very true. The easiest way to hack one's LR account is to get the person's email address. The password to the email address isn't even necessary because all the hackers want to do is to send their phising LR mails, so that when the person clicks on it, his/her LR account will get hacked. Another way hackers use to get all the details of an LR account holder is by creating fake LR scripts in such a way that if an LR user searches Liberty Reserve on google and then tries to login from that page, the person's account gets hacked.
That is phising site, when created something like that i think people will lost their account information forever, the best way to solve something like that by change your account details as fast as you can, and i think the best way is to install liberty guard, so you know which one is real LR site.
Does liberty guard need to be installed? I thought it was a green symbol which indicates that a LR user is on the Real LR page and its available to all users. Anyway, we should ensure we avoid clicking links in our email addresses and we should also make sure that we don't search liberty reserve site in search engines, rather, we should go directly from our web browser to prevent our LR accounts from getting hacked.
have you ever use that Liberty guard in your life? that is firefox addon, and i don't know what do you mean by greeny symbol here, as far as i know that LR guard only available for firefox so far, i also hope that LR added it for Google Chrome or Internet explorer, because it is help so much.
If you don't share your email account then i think the event like that will never happen to you, but if you share yours or use it in other hyip site to register, there are higher possibility that hacker will try to know the password of yours,and that is right once our email account got hacked everything is over.
That's true. Theirs a big chance if our email account is known to others especially hyip sites admin. That's why I always make sure that the LR that I'm using uses an email account that I only know. Problem is that I forgot the emails that I open for some of the LR accounts that I opened. lols. That's why I have many opened account but only few I actually use as I forgot the passwords.
When i don't think so,because i have one of my account in which the email address i used for it isn't in use in any program but yet i still get phising mails,perhaps libertyreserve have some seleton in their closet or gmail them self,becuase i am so sure that i only use the email for libertyresereve alone.
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