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What if your country bans Forex

Among the list of countries that blacklist Forex as a business among their citizens is Japan.

Over times, Japan has reiterated the need for her citizens to stop trading in Forex and embrace the local job opportunities that abound in the country.

Well, there are those who harkened to it while others refuted it which in a bid to discourage and stop them outrightly,led to the ban.
What would it have meant to you if you were a Japanese.
It is not possible for me, to leave Forex trading. Therefore, I can leave my country for Forex trading. Forex trading is my first love. I can live without Forex market. I am always inspiring the people to join in the Forex business. Because, Forex business is much profitable business than other business.
If that will happen then I guess I loss my hope to make it big in forex trading. My main goal and objective is really to have a good and stable trading account. I some how have hard time earning right now by I realize that if I want to make it big in forex trading I think to think big and not affected with this issue.
I have a friend in India and as you know Forex in India is illegal. Moreover all international Fx brokers are unregulated there but in the past this was not so strict. Now he says that new government came and it will be very difficult to trade, as banks begin to tighten the rules for trading.. My friend is trading with an broker with Cysec regulation for almost 2 years and he trusts this broker but now it will be almost impossible to deposit or withdraw since it is illegal to send money in offshore. So now he is planning either to cheat, either to move somewhere. Here is a good example for this thread.
we can join in forex easy. if you have internet conection we don't worry about it. it as a sport betting. you can join in everywhere
You can join if its not restricted by your country. But as this thread its asking what if our country decided to stop or restrict forex trading what then? I guess in my part I going to migrate in canada so I can end up having problem in their as I do know I can't trade in their.
How much needs to be tied and in love with Forex, to decide to emigrate, to leave your native country. I think only forex from all businesses can do this to people.
I don't know what to do but i hope that thing does not happen to my country, . If still forced to say i will raise petition and if still cannot make any change to Congress in my country or even president i will quit forex and say goodbye to this my favourite side job,
As I know, my country would never ban forex trading but if it does.. I`ll move to another one :D
You mean you going to go to another country just to continue trading? wow. Unless you have thousand of dollars trading capital. I doubt its worth it to go to another country just so that you can continue trading. What visa and what country will you going to settle if that going to happen?
Ban forex in one country i think won't solve much issues, but if my country keeping ban forex in my country even most of the traders here already sent some petition then i think the only way i can do is follow the rules, but if i have much money then moving to the other country is the answer.
Forex business is modern updated business. It’s 100% legal business. Therefore, I never believe our country government bans this best financial support. Even, Forex business reduce Unemployment problem very nicely. However, Forex is an international business & no limitation to enter the Forex business. Therefore, people are much interested about Forex. By the way, Forex is my dream and my future. So, I can’t leave this business at any condition. Even, I am using mobile trading by my trading broker ‘GCI’ free mobile trading facilities. Because, I want to connect to the market in 24 hours of market. I am very confident about my success from Forex business. Forex is open for every country and every nation.
If my country permanently ban Forex, then I seriously do not have any other options to keep continue trading here. Therefore I will try my best to not leave Forex by anyhow.
I don’t care actually! Because, Forex trading is my profession. I trade silently, even I am not involved any trading community in my country. So I have no fear!
Forex is closely related to international business. Not only traders, there are many investors and other parties of stakeholders related to forex as it facilitates currency exchanges in a global platform. And yes, I never try to spend my time in those negative ideas. Rather I give due attention on how well I can manage my funds in forex. Thereby stick with your plans but in positive manner of course.
Forex is closely related to international business. Not only traders, there are many investors and other parties of stakeholders related to forex as it facilitates currency exchanges in a global platform. And yes, I never try to spend my time in those negative ideas. Rather I give due attention on how well I can manage my funds in forex. Thereby stick with your plans but in positive manner of course.

Nice to see your positive thinking. But you have to make 2ndary plan; maybe it will help you during the critical situations.
If a country bans forex trading, individuals may face legal consequences for participating. Traders may seek alternative investments or platforms in compliant jurisdictions. It's crucial to adhere to local regulations and seek legal advice to avoid penalties or fines.