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How to become a perfect trader.

We are not in here to become a perfect trader. Rather we are in here hoping to make some profit in forex trading. Lets just hope that in the long run we can all have big earnings in forex. I'm sure we all be making something good with myself in here. Lets just hope we can sustain and maintain our account in here without any problem.
As long as you make a profit that is good enough already since that is the ultimate goal anyways. I'm in forex to make some profit. I woudl like to be really good at it but I'm not seeing perfection is possible since the market will be so unpredictable you will have no idea at times so even with good skills, you can still lose money. So, I do aim at becoming really experienced and knowing the market.
Or impossible at all. No one can be a perfect trader. Perfect means that he did not have any losing trades in his entire trading history. That their trading strategy will always be profitable or can make daily profits. And everything else are just easy and always in winning side.
Any good trader will always gear his dream towards making more profits than losses and that is the wish of all. Since we now understand that Forex is a business that is naturally uncertain and with lots of speculation, there wouldn't be any way we would expect to make consistent profit in it without losing in between hence, no need to aim for perfection.
That is to have more profits and less losses. Meaning that perfect trader does not exist. Because, we can only is to become profitable which we can still make losing trades. It's just imaginary and with the Forex now and been through the years you will see no perfect but successful traders.
That is to have more profits and less losses. Meaning that perfect trader does not exist. Because, we can only is to become profitable which we can still make losing trades. It's just imaginary and with the Forex now and been through the years you will see no perfect but successful traders.

A trader having less losses and more profits does not make the trader a perfect trader because according to the meaning of perfection, it means being good without mistakes or errors, so therefore no one can be a perfect trader in forex trading.
I think the best way to be a perfect trader is self study and practice. There is now alternate way to be perfect. It is also true that no trader can be perfect trader. But you can be good trader by utilizing your strategy, skill, and confidence. But you can take help from other experienced Forex traders.
A trader having less losses and more profits does not make the trader a perfect trader because according to the meaning of perfection, it means being good without mistakes or errors, so therefore no one can be a perfect trader in forex trading.
That's right. This means that no one can be a perfect trader at all. Because, we are bound to make mistakes and humans aren't perfect. You can't see anyone that is perfect and only God is perfect. But still we can be profitable and find our best strategy for our trading.
A trader having less losses and more profits does not make the trader a perfect trader because according to the meaning of perfection, it means being good without mistakes or errors, so therefore no one can be a perfect trader in forex trading.
Well, in my own opinion it does, since the world perfection is far from being a reality, it can only mean that someone who is near that mark can also be addressed as one. What every trader aims so far as Forex is concerned is to record less losses and more profits and the only time one is guaranteed of that consistently is when he must have gotten some good skills.
A trader having less losses and more profits does not make the trader a perfect trader because according to the meaning of perfection, it means being good without mistakes or errors, so therefore no one can be a perfect trader in forex trading.

No trader can trade without booking even a single loss. It is simply impossible. No strategy is 100% perfect. This is because of the dynamic characteristic of forex market, which is always evolving. All that can be done is an attempt to achieve high success percentage. In fact, most of the time, trading community calls those traders as perfect traders. The ability to trade well is always a relative comparison as far as forex market or any speculative activity is concerned. We can of course quote highly successful traders as perfect traders with an exclamation mark.
To become a perfect trader we need to have a perfect knowledge regarding trading and market then only we can be able to be sucessful so for this we need to be great updated and good hard work.
I don't think there is any perfect trader. and making up our own definition and then chasing some standard is not the right way to do things. I just however think that those who are considering the trading that way are just wasting time thinking there is any perfection in trading. there is no such thing.
Though there is no word like perfection, there is a point where a trader would get to and he will be mostly addressed as a a perfect trader. At this point, he makes minimal mistakes and losses. He doesn't commit errors the way others do and most of the times, his analysis near at least 70% correct. He manages his risks better than the average trader.
Well,I think there should be a perfect trader. A perfect trader doesn't mean one should not make a single loss or not make mistakes. I believe a perfect trade is a trader that trades every time and most of the times,he is always making profits,that is what I considered as a perfect trader.
Well, I don't know that how to become a perfect trader. Because I believe that nobody is perfect. But everybody can try to be an expert trader. And for that you have to learn and practice with full dedication.
Well,I think we are just using different vocabulary,I believe an expert trader is the same as perfect trader. Yes,you are right,to become an expert trader,one must really dedicate time for forex.
Most pro and respected traders never got there in a day and it took them a lot of time to get to that point. And to that effect, any trader wishing to get there must first understand the need to always remain patient and believe in himself, keep learning and it will take just time to get there.
to be perfect trader and i do not believe there is something called perfect trader because perfect trader means that you will not loss any trade but there is something called professional trader and to be professional trader you must first learn very well the basics and then the technical analysis and after that you must get training with demo account at least 6 months and after that you can trade with real account but you are here semi professional
I don't think its possible to be a perfect trader. Trading is very difficult so we can only control losses and make some gaining but no way to become perfect. Even if you're perfect the brokers can trade against you or the bad market weather can cause you to lose so there is no way to call yourself a perfect trader really.
There are traders I see that hardly lose. I mean, they are fundamental traders, you hardly see them trade more often but over times, they record more profits than losses. I guess those set of traders are good enough to be called professional traders even though there are no perfect traders.
My aim is not to become a perfect trader , I know perfection is near to be impossible .We cannot fix market movement from where we can get desired results. This all works on estimation so I want to become a regular profit taking person .