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How to become a perfect trader.

Nothing like a perfect trader hence the market has no static movement. The market flunctuate and one being parfect means that he or she can actually have a successful trades with no mistake or even lose. But thats impossible and we can only be a good trader in the sense that we need to be good at analyzing, technically and fundamentaly as well as emotionally disciplined.

Yes, though the word perfection is a word far from reality, I think the thread starter meant a good trader. Well, I think that even the general saying that practice makes perfect has a role to play here. One of the ways to attain that feat is by constant learning, practicing and trading.
The market is however very uncentain and also the rate changes from time to time. There can only be a good trader in the sense that anyone who wants to be a good trader needs to be good at analysis because thats the most crucial thing on forex trading, without that then, we will be all gamblers.
Nobody is perfect in this world. And nobody can be perfect. But everybody can try to be an expert trader. For that you have to dedicate your time at trading. Learn every aspects. Remember every changes you learn. When you gain experience, you step closer to be a good trader.
The market is however very uncentain and also the rate changes from time to time. There can only be a good trader in the sense that anyone who wants to be a good trader needs to be good at analysis because thats the most crucial thing on forex trading, without that then, we will be all gamblers.

Good Forex analysis is the best way to make a good thing out of Forex. It is that which determines your success rate and your degree of expertise.
Good Forex analysis is the best way to make a good thing out of Forex. It is that which determines your success rate and your degree of expertise.

I agree with that. If you gain good experience at analyzing market and charts then you are nearly an expert trader. Because your profit and loss depends on your analyse.
those making stable income are not parfect due to at times they encounter lose in the business and as a true matter. Forex trading which is the buying and selling of currencies makes it hard for one to say he or she is perfect due to you might get loss when you are rest assured by your analysis.
those making stable income are not parfect due to at times they encounter lose in the business and as a true matter. Forex trading which is the buying and selling of currencies makes it hard for one to say he or she is perfect due to you might get loss when you are rest assured by your analysis.

Nobody is perfect in this world. An expert trader always earn as per the market. Sometimes he earns a huge profit and sometimes he earn low profit. As he knows when to hit the ball. But a good trader never thinks of huge profit, he analyse carefully but still trade with low amount to stay risk free.
those making stable income are not parfect due to at times they encounter lose in the business and as a true matter. Forex trading which is the buying and selling of currencies makes it hard for one to say he or she is perfect due to you might get loss when you are rest assured by your analysis.

Generally, we are living in a world of uncertainties and it is these uncertain events that influence that which we do. That said, the word perfection is very far from being real in Forex considering the complex factors which determine the rates.
Yes, the word perfect doesn't apply at forex trading because of its complexions and uncertain situations. For your every step you have to make good strategies. Or else you have to face loss.
Good Forex analysis is the best way to make a good thing out of Forex. It is that which determines your success rate and your degree of expertise.

Well, just good analysis can not make the money in here in the sense that being a good analyst and yet have poor emotional control, then own good analysis will be useless because after getting a solid analysis. We will thereafter be mislead by trading with emotions.
Well, just good analysis can not make the money in here in the sense that being a good analyst and yet have poor emotional control, then own good analysis will be useless because after getting a solid analysis. We will thereafter be mislead by trading with emotions.
Yes though but that was based on the immediate requirement of Forex. Of course, there are other things which most times bothers on the psychological approach of it. Anyone that finds it difficult to manage his emotions and develop strategies to protect his capital will still find it difficult to excel in Forex
I think there is no such thing as perfect trader. you can see that those who are dealing with the forex for most of your work. You need to understand that perfection is not that easy to manage and you have to work harder for the trading as well. that is what i think.
Nobody can be a perfect trader. But anybody can be an expert trader because of his dedications to learn, good planning, good strategies and trading skills. And this can be gain with lots of hard work for years.
Yes though but that was based on the immediate requirement of Forex. Of course, there are other things which most times bothers on the psychological approach of it. Anyone that finds it difficult to manage his emotions and develop strategies to protect his capital will still find it difficult to excel in Forex

But then, there is no possible way in which someone can be a perfect trader or close to being perfect since forex trading is filled with uncertainty, but someone who is emotion disciplined and good analyst is close to being perfect.
We can increase our skills by learning and understanding more about the market and it's flows. More we follow this things, more we understand better. This is the factor for being a close to perfect trader. And now about the profits, then capital is also necessary.
We canbecome perfect trader with regular work . As much we will be successful in trading making skills for facing market in different situations it will help to maintain our successlevel . As well as we will minimize risks and perfection will come to our trading. It need a long time and continuous hard work .
We canbecome perfect trader with regular work . As much we will be successful in trading making skills for facing market in different situations it will help to maintain our successlevel . As well as we will minimize risks and perfection will come to our trading. It need a long time and continuous hard work .

First of all, nobody is perfect in this world. And second, at forex nobody can be perfect. We can be an expert trader but not a perfect trader. Because perfect means there is no fault or no mistakes. And an expert trader also do a small mistakes very few times.
work honestly and hardly after that we can become a successful trader and that opportunity is for every one to get instant success in life and build up their character and fast earn
We canbecome perfect trader with regular work . As much we will be successful in trading making skills for facing market in different situations it will help to maintain our successlevel . As well as we will minimize risks and perfection will come to our trading. It need a long time and continuous hard work .

I think we can become successful traders if we learn more and practice more but that word perfection in Forex is a mirage. Before one can think of being successful in Forex, the person must also know that his skills have a major role to play.
I think we can become successful traders if we learn more and practice more but that word perfection in Forex is a mirage. Before one can think of being successful in Forex, the person must also know that his skills have a major role to play.

Yes. You are right. The word perfection is like a mirage. We start following the mirage and when we go near the mirage we see it is not what we expected. We have to move ahead a long distance. It applies to the word perfection also.