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Demo forex trading account.

Both ain't the same.A demo to me is putting into practice what you already learn in your forex theory class into practice.sincerely a demo account is very much adviceable so that so many strategies would be learnt when one would eventually be using a real account.
Indeed a demo account is very good place to practice well indeed band so I hope been trying to practice on the demo account also. I would try to do it daily as sometimes I would be lazy to practice on other days. But I would be working on that
I think a daily practicing would be the best way of quickly learning the strategies that would be beneficial when doing the trading in the live account.sincerely when it comes to forex learning we just have to incovenience ourselves to totally be getting the best.
while we study the theory of forex through ebooks, video tutorials and even through the forum we are also required to learn through a demo account so that what we get from learning theory forex we can directly apply in a demo account so that we can easily to master forex trading strategies.
It is really a must because we can't apply what we learn in just ebooks or we just imagine the market and trading. Since, we need the platform or the terminal in order to trade and view the market chart. We will also understand that in demo we will going to use it to have our account trading strategy.
therefore even if we master forex trade theory we must also practice the theory in the demo account, because what we have learned in theory in reality is very different when we are practicing on a demo account before you start trading with real account business required us to use the demo first account so that we can understand what we should do.
Yeah in life to me theoretical knowledge has a little to do when it comes to whatsoever field we were to be appying.sincerely to me 20% of theoretical and 80% of practical would increase our level of assimilation and that likewisely applies to forex.
It's the best thing that has happened in forex. Without a demo account it so hard to learn forex without losing a lot of money. So I am going to keep on practicing on the demo account. Before I don't appreciate using demo account too much. Now I do appreciate it a lot.
I think a demo account is an account that i likewisely think should be part of every traders even professionals because that would be helping their day to day trading.i just hope guys wouldn't be saying that because they have learnt much from forex they wouldn't be needing a demo account any longer.
Well, it would certainly be a mistake to think like that because even experienced traders still need to make use of the demo account at different points of their trading career. How else are they going to test out new strategies that can result in more profits for them in the long run. So yes, it should not be abandoned.
Sincerely i think testing new strategies to make more profits is the major reason why a forex professional needs a demo account.sincerely doing away with a demo account is something i think one who wants to make profit consistently shouldn't be partaking of.
yes,i dont think demo account should be abandoned cos if a trader wants to test new strategies,he/she cannot use the real trading account to testrun the strategies and this might even lead to a total loss
Yeah testing new strategies is best done using a demo account.Moreso a success of a strategy just once shouldn't be making us rush to put it into use in our live account.We should be test running it over and over before trying it out at our live trades.
exactly once, we have a strategy to implement and benefit from the use of a demo account should continue to be done over and over again until we believe and can implement these strategies in a real account. because often the strategy that we apply in the demo account and make a profit but when we implement these strategies in real accounts do not match, even even a loss, therefore although the strategy that we apply in the demo account always benefit if you want to implement these strategies in your account Do not use the real capital to keep the losses we can experience.
Yeah testing new strategies is best done using a demo account.Moreso a success of a strategy just once shouldn't be making us rush to put it into use in our live account.We should be test running it over and over before trying it out at our live trades.

You are right because when you are rushing to leave the demo account then you are going to have problems in the real account. Its better to take time with your strategy in here to make sure that it is feasible and can work for you by showing good results before using it in the real account. Thats what demo accounts are for.
My demo account right now is one of the busiest account that I have as theirs just a lot of pairs opened and lots of strategy used. I know its going to make me earn good amount. I'm happy that I'm earning good and earning well. I hope I can make good living in forex trading in the near future as right now I have six active accounts and I'm preparing to grow and become a major trader in forex. But all of that I will going to thanks my demo account.
I'm trying to learn using demo account. I Actually am trying to learn indicators once again. As I have not fully understood how to use it before. So I would try to learn how to use it again. So I hope I would be able to understand it fully now. I am trying to learn MACD.
I think guys now coming to see the usefulness of a Demo account would be of so much help in minimizing their loses when trading using a live account.i just hope we just ensure we perfect our skills before jumping into a live trading account.
Perfect skills can be gotten in demo account only if we feel the scene of the profit and make the right decission to learn from here because what I know is that so many people do refuse to learn from demo account which is too dangerous.

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Perfect skills can be gotten in demo account only if we feel the scene of the profit and make the right decission to learn from here because what I know is that so many people do refuse to learn from demo account which is too dangerous.
In all forex broker site that I joined I never tried to invest in real account without checking the demo account first. Because in demo account this is were I going to feel if I'm in the right place to trade or not. I know many will not going to agree when I say that the money is in demo and not in real account. But that's true. Because in demo that's were we start developing our skills that we apply in real account.