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Tips for beginners to learn forex

A beginner should always take the learning process step by step. Begin with theoretical knowledge to understand the basics about the currency pairs and how it works in forex trading. Then a trader should gather the technical information and learn about the softwares. Before placing the real trades, work on a demo account.
To be expert in the art of trading, there is no alternative to knowledge and skills. And it takes time to achieve it but most people do not try to understand this fact. They waste time looking for short cut.
A beginner should always take the learning process step by step. Begin with theoretical knowledge to understand the basics about the currency pairs and how it works in forex trading. Then a trader should gather the technical information and learn about the softwares. Before placing the real trades, work on a demo account.
Learning never ends. There is always a scope to improve knowledge and skills. With changing market we always need to improve our skills. Read as much as possible.
I've been in the stock market for four years.
I typically trade intraday stocks.
I'd like to learn how to trade on the forex market.
Which currency is best for making a lot of money with a small investment?