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MT4 - List of hotkeys


Forex Supporter
There are many other useful hotkeys. Here is a comprehensive list:

Left arrow — scroll chart to the left;
Right arrow — scroll chart to the right;
Up arrow — quickly scroll chart to the left or (if the scale is defined), scroll chart upwards;
Down arrow — quickly scroll chart to the right or (if the scale is defined), scroll chart downwards;

Numpad 5 — restores chart vertical scale to its original default. If the scale was defined, this returns the chart back to its visible range;

Page Up — scroll a whole screen to the left;
Page Down — scroll a whole screen to the left;
Home — move the chart to the start point (first bar);
End — move the chart to the end point (last, i.e. most current) bar;

"" — zoom out (there are 6 levels of zoom available);
"+" — zoom in;

Delete — delete all selected objects;
Backspace — delete most recently added objects, on a last-added-first-removed basis;

Enter — open/close the fast navigation window;
Esc — close any dialog window;

F1 — open the on line help "Userguide";
F2 — open the "History Center" window;
F3 — open the "Global Variables" window;
F4 — open MetaEditor;
F5 — switch to the next profile;
F6 — call the "Tester" dialog window for testing the expert attached to the chart window;
F7 — call the properties dialog window of the expert attached to their chart window, in order to change its settings;
F8 — call the chart setup dialog window, allowing basic chart parameters, colors, etc to be changed;
F9 — call the "New Order" window, allowing the entry of market, limit, stop orders;
F10 — open the "Popup prices" window;
F11 — enable/disable full screen mode;
F12 — scroll the chart one bar to the left;

Shift+F12 — scroll the chart one bar to the right;
Shift+F5 — switch to the previous profile;

Alt+1 — display the chart as OHLC bars;
Alt+2 — display the chart as OHLC candlesticks;
Alt+3 — display the chart as a line (closing prices only);

Alt+A — copy all test/optimization results onto the clipboard;
Alt+W — call the chart management window;
Alt+F4 — exit the program;

Ctrl+A — arrange all indicator window heights by default;
Ctrl+B — call the "Objects List" dialog window;
Ctrl+C or Ctrl+Insert — copy to the clipboard;
Ctrl+D — open/close the "Data Window";
Ctrl+E — enable/disable the attached expert advisor;
Ctrl+F — switch to "Crosshair" mode;
Ctrl+G — show/hide the vertical/horizontal grid;
Ctrl+H — show/hide the OHLC line;
Ctrl+I — call the "Indicators List" dialog window;
Ctrl+L — show/hide volume data on the main chart;
Ctrl+M — open/close the "Market Watch" window;
Ctrl+N — open/close the "Navigator" window;
Ctrl+O — open the "Setup" window;
Ctrl+P — print the chart;
Ctrl+R — open/close the "Tester" window;
Ctrl+S — save the chart prices (OHLCV) in a file having extensions: "CSV", "PRN" or "HTM";
Ctrl+T — open/close the "Terminal" window;
Ctrl+W or Ctrl+F4 — close the chart window that's currently in focus;
Ctrl+Y— show/hide date (period) separators;
Ctrl+Z or Alt+Backspace — undo object deletions in the reverse order they occurred;

Ctrl+F6 — switch to the next chart window;
Ctrl+F9 — open the "Terminal — Trade" window and switch the focus into it, allowing trading operations to be entered via the keyboard.
Appreciate for the writer who has shared this information for other member. Certainly this information will helpful many people who want to trading forex and extend their experience in operating computer. I myself as a computer teacher feel that this is a good way for spreading the knowledge about computer operating so that many people use computer easily.
Are these hotkeys simillar mt5's hotkeys? I'm looking to change to mt5 soon so i'm wondering if anybody has an idea if these hotkeys carried over to mt5
I don't often use hotkeys or shortcut keys but this will be useful when you are in hurry and need to memorize or often use these keys in order to fasten your execution of your trades and to use more efficiently the trading platform at our convenience. I think that most of the hotkeys works in the MT5 platform.