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Forex Basics - What is Forex?

Thats right because some traders or rather beginners in here will invariably be like they can make enormous proits with just same capital which is not that easily done, I consiider the proffessionals seldomly doing it. Forex trading in short should be defined as other business where your profits matches with your capital.
And you find out that this becomes one of the major reasons they fail a lot. Having that thought of making it within the shortest period of time leads to greed and subsequently their resultant failures. I will always tell people that sometimes, the earnings of Forex trading is exaggerated to me since it's not as easy as being talked about.
[MENTION=475]hadg33[/MENTION] and [MENTION=75]Cutiekc[/MENTION] you both are very correct. Well, I recently discovered that it can take a very long time to earn good profits from forex backed up with sufficient experience in the field not neglecting patience and consistency. I actually used to assume that it would be possible to make good amounts of profit from forex on a daily basis.

Well, not thatg long time though, it depends on how you learnt your oen forex trading like will be that long if you are learning on your owb but making use of a coach will help speeden how fast you will learn and start making profits.
Well, not thatg long time though, it depends on how you learnt your oen forex trading like will be that long if you are learning on your owb but making use of a coach will help speeden how fast you will learn and start making profits.

well, thats why we need to consider being patient so as we can obtain all the goodies forex trading has for use because its only when a newbie patiently learn that he or she will actually learn the proper routine and not being in a hurry to make profits.
It is easy to know what is Forex trading because with one definition I am sure that you will understand it because you may be already participated on it offline when you have some dollars and exchange it to some Exchange boot so same thing happening in online.

Actually, there are certain people that trade in Forex unknowingly. Before I used to think that trading in Forex has another different perspective from the usual buying and selling or the casual exchange that we do on any exchange shop or in banks. It was much later on that I realized that they are basically the same with the only difference being the platform in which they operate.
Actually, there are certain people that trade in Forex unknowingly. Before I used to think that trading in Forex has another different perspective from the usual buying and selling or the casual exchange that we do on any exchange shop or in banks. It was much later on that I realized that they are basically the same with the only difference being the platform in which they operate.

Yeah they are basically the same with other trading platform be it offline or online the actual difference is that the electronic broker that connects we the trader to the market. Actually on other trading you will have to know the best time to buy and sell. Another difference is that forex trading market fluctuates the most.
Yeah they are basically the same with other trading platform be it offline or online the actual difference is that the electronic broker that connects we the trader to the market. Actually on other trading you will have to know the best time to buy and sell. Another difference is that forex trading market fluctuates the most.

The volatility of the market is what makes forex not to be that easy. So a forex beginner would always consider forex trading as a kind of lucky business and that is why we some rich kids that are throwing big funds into it and yet they are loosing big time to it. I even have a friend that I really know more about forex than him but for the fact that he is a rich kid,he funds is account frequently and he always lament to me that he is rally loosing to forex.
Your friend is really taking a big risk by doing forex trading without adequate knowledge of how the market works. He'll have to ensure that he gains a proper or at least basic knowledge of forex by meeting someone to put him through because he would keep loosing his forex investments if he continues in that way. He may also need a Demo account.
Your friend is really taking a big risk by doing forex trading without adequate knowledge of how the market works. He'll have to ensure that he gains a proper or at least basic knowledge of forex by meeting someone to put him through because he would keep loosing his forex investments if he continues in that way. He may also need a Demo account.

Some newbies actually mis quote the meaning o forex trading that is why they can not achieve good ends after trading. Forex trading is simply the exchange of currencies when the on which is having the sell or buy place has more value and the one at the selling place has low value, not just that there are more to that which needs to known in order to determine when is right to make a deal.
Yep, the right timing matters a lot and it only takes experience to know when to make investments in forex trading. Experience can only be derived by being patient enough to study the market and how it works either by using a demo account for newbies or by real forex trading.
The volatility of the market is what makes forex not to be that easy. So a forex beginner would always consider forex trading as a kind of lucky business and that is why we some rich kids that are throwing big funds into it and yet they are loosing big time to it. I even have a friend that I really know more about forex than him but for the fact that he is a rich kid,he funds is account frequently and he always lament to me that he is rally loosing to forex.

Yeah thats right because, on a market volatile section a newbie might just be lucky enough to make an order then and at the end of the day after making some profits will consider him or her self luck, where as seeing forex trading as a simple business of which it isn't. Forex trading needs a definition like, buying and selling of foriegn currencies at the appropriate time.
[MENTION=54817]drewpleasant[/MENTION] there's no way to trade in forex without making any investment. Forex is just like every normal business in which a capital is involved. The higher the capital, the higher the profits that will be made if the right timings are applied coupled with good experience and skill.
[MENTION=54817]drewpleasant[/MENTION] there's no way to trade in forex without making any investment. Forex is just like every normal business in which a capital is involved. The higher the capital, the higher the profits that will be made if the right timings are applied coupled with good experience and skill.

Perhaps the user might be talking about the making use of forum money which is been given as reward to those who participated on contest or regular posting. Further more forex originally is just like other business so those forum bonus are given as just additional promoting tools used by brokers.
Well, that's about the forum incentives to have bonus for the trading account to make it as trading credits. So, technically we don't have investments but we will have capital to start trading. What we just invest there is the knowledge, experience and our time to have the discussions.
Yes, that is right. You don't have to invest on forex trading. Many forums gives you cash for posting. That cash is transferred to your investment account. There you can show how much you know about forex. And how much profit you can earn from that investments.
How to trade on Forex without investing?

I think you might be referring to making use of forum bonuses. Well, that is still an investment because your time is at stake. It was your time and knowledge that gave rise to those bonuses and whatever you made from it becomes your investment.
but high rates

I think you might be referring to making use of forum bonuses. Well, that is still an investment because your time is at stake. It was your time and knowledge that gave rise to those bonuses and whatever you made from it becomes your investment.

i agree with you that it need time but what if someone dont have money then he will find forex forums a better solution. And dont foreget that forex forums give high rates that make your posting time valuable. If everyone will think that way no one will be active even here.
i agree with you that it need time but what if someone dont have money then he will find forex forums a better solution. And dont foreget that forex forums give high rates that make your posting time valuable. If everyone will think that way no one will be active even here.

This forums pays you at normal rate, but you get all the amount in your hand. At some forex forums you get much more pay rate. But you don't get cash in your hand.
Actually, a newbie does not need to have forum community as they can do self learning but then, it's more advantage to learn Forex basics in the forums due to there are many information and told experienced shared by other traders which essential in the traders preparation.
Actually, a newbie does not need to have forum community as they can do self learning but then, it's more advantage to learn Forex basics in the forums due to there are many information and told experienced shared by other traders which essential in the traders preparation.

I think it should be paid forums. They will offer nothing good to a newbie because things are not quite arranged in the sense that a newbie who knows nothing can benefit knowledge from it. But they are for newbies who knows the basics already. Furthermore. Definition of forex trading differ as per individual. For me it is simply the buying and sellling of currencies.