• The Forex, Binary Options Forum - welcomes you to our Community!

    DigitalCashPalace Forum is dedicated to discussions about Forex, Binary Options, commodities, stocks related.

    Please take a look around, and feel free to .

Bitbiz - Bitbiz.io

What is this place about in two sentences?

Collectively owned cryptocurrency forum, where every member is shareholder and gets share of the monthly profit. Shares are awarded automatically based on participation and contribution to the forum!

Now in little more detail: This is community of people that do business with cryptocurrencies. Any business. Any cryptocurrency! Interaction with like minded individuals greatly increases the chances for great ideas to emerge and to be executed properly. That's why we also aim to go beyond discussion. We've got decentralized and transparent start-up incubator. You can find here partners, team members, investors or just pitch your idea and see how it's accepted. You become share holder just by participating!

Another unique feature of this community is that the forum is co-owned by YOU! The system rewards you with shares for every positive action, like posting quality stuff, helping others, bringing new members or just discussing.
Based on your shares you get % from the
forum's revenue and vote in the forum
management decisions. Revenue and
management is public and all money goes back to the people that contribute to the
community. It's the only way that's fair!
Once you are done and want to get started,register!


Thanks for sharing about this looks like PTP forum, but it seems there aren't much activity right now, and just some threads that got replied. It seems this forum also isn't that popular compared to the other PTP forums which is so sad to me.
-Yep, it is a PTP Forum and it is all about Bitcoin talk, earning, mining etc and you get paid for your posts through Bitcoin.
-Activities is now growing, I get mail daily here.
-Yep not all that popular because it is New, ...they formal Forums should not be Sad to you because nothing in this earth lasts for ever, so try grabbing things when they are New and Hot.
Thanks for sharing about this looks like PTP forum, but it seems there aren't much activity right now, and just some threads that got replied. It seems this forum also isn't that popular compared to the other PTP forums which is so sad to me.

It’s 2020; & till now the scenario is same! You opened this thread when the price was below 100$ and now it’s 7K+.