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All days are important for Forex beginners

The combination of experience and knowledge will bring success for you. From failure to success is a long journey so adorn your journey with flourished tactics.
A secure and regulated trading broker offers all necessary trading facilities like high security of funding, good amount of leverage, narrow spread in most of the pairs, flexible margin level, and other facilities moderately.
Leaning from own trading mistake is the best practice! But, we should try to complete our main learning process in the beginning stage of trading!
All days are important but don’t trade as long as you don’t have any opportunity available. Long term trading requires much patience and you can’t trade for long term as long as you don’t have pure market forecast.
Beginners have to be focused and devoted to learning. To grow a small capital big, first and foremost, you have to be patient. Follow a certain risk management policy and don’t go for taking revenge.
Many traders are addicted to scalping with or without knowledge. Some are carrying profit whereas some are suffering.
When looking for a broker there are many things we need to check to ensure the best broker. According to my trading experience I will first try in a broker, if they guarantee lower or lower trading spreads. Because the broker can influence the result of our trading with of course.