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AAAFx - AAAFx.com


Staff member
Official discussion thread for AAAFx at Digital Cash Palace.

- Users can ask questions, make suggestions to improve the service, share stories (no spamming/advertising).
- Brokers employees may participate in topics by answering questions. Promote and posting announcement.

Please be honest and fair with the broker being discussed.

Read/submit reviews and ratings for AAAFx
I am with this broker for a year now!
honestly, it was a total rebirth to my account as I switched to them, from alpari. :32 (18):
good execultion, full refund policy and no slippage with the providers that i follow :32 (37):
hello there friend? so how is your aaafx trading account going on ? are you trading manually of on zulutrade?
idk about news trading but ea going smooth. they provide vps service is the generous amount of RAM - 1300 MB. no lag or interruptions.
You can ask their support. i remember they refused to support crypto few years ago but for now probably it's possible, better to ask support team.
just check before trading stats, most of them are scammers. I had an expierence a few times. the stats is different (same broker, everage and recommended deposit)