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Hoang Long are you yourself have any experience either with a PAMM account or Zulutrade? I f not which method would you choose and why?
Hoang Long are you yourself have any experience either with a PAMM account or Zulutrade? I f not which method would you choose and why?
At the moment I test neither PAMM nor Zulutrade, I trade by myself.
As I prefer to trade by myself, I would choose Zulutrade over PAMM. I can rest free from trading with PAMM but I don't know what may happen to my account and it's a big risk.
With Zulutrade I can have final decision at least.
and not only, you also have a hold on your account money. do the mistake to trap them in a PAMM account, you will not see them within a time-frame of 6m at least :32 (33):
and not only, you also have a hold on your account money. do the mistake to trap them in a PAMM account, you will not see them within a time-frame of 6m at least :32 (33):
Yes, you have a point there. I believe it's safer if we can hold money in our hand and take the control (thou the fact that we invested in broker's account
I have tried the zulutrade and you can see that PAMM and zulu are quite different approach. zulu's copy trading is also different. you just ahve to consider how you're investing the time and money ontheir resources as there are ways to manage the PAMM much better.