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Can I contact moderator?

Yeah as I see their official email address is open! So you can send your any enquiry in there! By the way, always be careful to click any phishing link on your email!
Earning is never guaranteed in Forex. So never take the risk of taking money as a loan for trading forex. Forex can unwind a bunch of facilities for you if you can rightly utilize it.
What kind of assistance do you require from the moderator? However, you can visit the website's contact page and send an email expressing your concern.
Earning profit on average becomes difficult when a trader doesn’t follow risk management policy. Beside so, you should start Forex trading initially with a low capital.
Administration plays a crucial role in organizing, coordinating, and managing resources to achieve goals effectively. It ensures smooth operations, decision-making, and policy enforcement. In any organization or system, strong administration is essential for success, ensuring that processes run efficiently and that objectives are met in a structured manner.