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    the secrets of success in Forex

    honestly speaking i have never seen at any guys who already got success from this trading place with very short time.
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    Forex trader

    honestly speaking i have never seen at any guys who already got success from this trading place with very short time.
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    Forex trader

    My point is rather that there are more unambiguous approaches which are likely to give more signals, while their performance may be lower. Here, on the other hand, there are more factors that matter and that can give a way to enter the market, but they are formed more accurately, but less...
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    Forex trader

    now i am trading with GBP/USD , doing scalping , sounds good still.
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    Forex trader

    Forex is much volatile compare to stock market , but there is a chance to bring good amount of profit.
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    Losses will always be there in Forex.

    I always use stop loss because I always need a complete plan for a trade. I need to know where is for example the last low for a long trade to set stopp loss there because it will be the next resistance. Like you decide on which level you want to take profit you always should be clear about...
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    Forex Trading Strategy

    the successful trader always know how to manage emotions when trading in practically.
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    Money management

    take forex as a long time is very much challenging for the traders who are particularly beginners due to poor trading knowledge.
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    How to Become a Forex Trader

    its a long time practicing to be skilled about use real trading knowledge and experience. so beginners lost interest after passing sometime.
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    Forex is not gambling

    there is no one who can control emotions completely , its a common human nature . so we should know how to manage emotions.
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    95% loser?

    I always use stop loss because I always need a complete plan for a trade. I need to know where is for example the last low for a long trade to set stopp loss there because it will be the next resistance. Like you decide on which level you want to take profit you always should be clear about...
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    Need advice on choosing broker

    honestly speaking i have never seen at any guys who already got success from this trading place with very short time.
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    What is a successful trade

    its a long time practicing to be skilled about use real trading knowledge and experience. so beginners lost in
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    Is forex easy way to earn?

    learning is more important . you can start learning from this community , hope , you will be benefited. happy trading
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    Every trader should focus

    there is no way to stop learning , even professional trader never stop learning approach . just you have to keep motivate always.
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    using a trading strategy in a demo account is really a good approach , this approach is very supportive to avoid unfortunate risk and losses.
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    Trading plan

    its a long time practicing to be skilled about use real trading knowledge and experience. so beginners lost interest after passing sometime.
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    I think every successful trader

    loss is a very common thing that we the traderrs cant ignore after having most powerful analyzing trade knowledge.
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    Forex Trading & Mistakes!

    traders should avoid exotic trading pairs . because this trading pair has high trading spreads.
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    Trading Techniques.

    to keep 5 % risk in each and every trade is really difficult and challenging , need a powerful money management.