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  1. J

    Increase pips

    Pips are used to calculate the rates a trader will pay or receive as profit. The rate depends on the trading position of the trade. It is greed that keeps traders holding their position so long. It is important to be disciplined and patient to avoid such losses.
  2. J

    Forex is stressful

    Stress can wear off your profits if you neglect it. It is important to acknowledge stress and try to remain calm. Avoid making impulsive trading decisions.Stress can wear off your profits if you neglect it. It is important to acknowledge stress and try to remain calm. Avoid making impulsive...
  3. J

    Can you mention a broker which offers something unique?

    I don’t think there is any broker that is offering something exceptional that no one else has come up with. If there is any, I’d also love to know about it. However, if I have to mention one distinctive feature about my broker turnkeyforex, I’d say it’s 100% deposit bonus on every fresh deposit...
  4. J

    Risks Involved in Forex Trading.

    There is no doubt in the fact that forex trading is risky which makes many traders vulnerable to losses. The only way to surpass the risk is setting up an effective risk management system and playing it safe. Develop your trading skills through continuous learning and practice. Trade with...
  5. J

    Risk management strategy

    Having a risk management system can be a life saver for forex traders. The market is highly volatile and risky. And the probability of losing money in trades is quite high. A trader is bound to fail in the absence of a risk management plan. Stop loss, risk/reward ratio and risk calculators can...
  6. J

    Is demo trading valuable?

    Yes, a demo trading account is highly valuable for beginners. In school you must have come across how you first understand a computer theory, but you would still find some trouble when executing it in practical class. The same goes for trading. A trader learns about all the essential strategies...
  7. J

    Is forex like a gambling game?

    It isn’t but some traders make it a gambling game because of their greed. They take risks without analysing how the market is moving. They don’t even follow a risk management strategy before executing trades which often leads to extreme losses.
  8. J

    Why people keep searching strategy?

    When you are new to the market, you will obviously use someone else’s system to make trades. But with time, you will have to change it when you realise that there have to be some other things that will make an important part of your trading system. Moreover, a single strategy doesn’t always...
  9. J

    Is Forex really risky?

    First of all, you need to understand that Forex trading is not a get rich quick scheme. The volatility of the currency rates makes it risky and hard to some traders who have very little or no knowledge of the market. It all depends on how good you are at reading the market and how much time you...
  10. J

    90% beginners loser ?

    Because, many do not have a plan. They have no structure. They are just winging it! Like most losers in life, the majority of traders begin with a dream of success and riches, but without a plan. It's pure fantasy. They expect to see huge profits immediately. But trading is a tough business. It...
  11. J

    Choosing a Right Forex broker

    Choosing the right broker can be really daunting but few things that help me make a good decision are: I always go for ECN brokers. Read customer’s reviews very carefully and go into as much detail as I can. I contact the customer support not just once or twice but many times to see if I get...
  12. J

    How To Break Bad Trading Habits

    To break habits you need to make a proper plan and choose the right strategy and work accordingly. You can’t repeat the same mistakes again and again.
  13. J

    Forex is an easy source to earn money ?

    People think forex is a magic stick that can bring you profits overnight. You have to give consistent efforts to earn money.
  14. J

    Forex is excessively risky business

    A trader should take well calculated risks and use risk management tools in order to minimise the downsides of a losing trade.
  15. J

    Single pair can be good

    New traders should prefer trading a single currency pair at a time and starting with one of the major pairs is quite helpful. I also started with EUR/USD and focussed on it until I mastered it completely.
  16. J

    Forex trading is a work of professional

    Forex trading makes a good career for everyone who is ready for the risks and despite that, keeps learning and working hard until they start making consistent income.
  17. J

    Choosing a broker is easy ?

    Choosing a broker is definitely not an easy task but you can simplify your research by understanding your trading style as it will ultimately determine your trading requirement and help you select a broker that’s most suitable. As lower trading costs are important for my preferred style, I...
  18. J

    Never Risk More Than 2% Per Trade

    This is the most important risk management rule. If you risk more than what you can afford to lose, your career as a trader doesn’t stay long.
  19. J

    think differently

    When everyone’s goal is making money, it actually becomes difficult. However, by thinking differently and focussing more on controlling your risk you can have better chances to be profitable in the long run. This way you will be able to leave others behind.
  20. J

    Traders will require proper management

    You need to be good at managing your risks and money so that you can handle your losses. Determine how much you want to put at risk that you can afford to lose before you open a trading position.